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If you want an escape from the usual (often depressing) news, then DD is your oasis. Filled with eclectic articles, ranging from the arcane to the downright odd - but always interesting. Subscription is free, and it means that each update comes to you with no hassles attached, so you’ll always have a great conversation starter!

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The more people who subscribe, the better the articles are! This is because many articles are submitted by readers who just want to share something that they’ve found, but don’t want to expose themselves to the judgement of sending something so odd. Luckily, I’ll do the dirty work for you.

Who is Dovi?

I’m a part time farmer and full time operations manager at an agricultural trading house. I’ve previously worked in education, investment banking, and non-profit specialising in humanitarian aid and disaster relief. I’ve been around the block, and my insatiable curiosity has stuck by me through thick and thin. Now I’d love to share all of it with you.

Do I need a paid subscription?

Hell no. The Digest is (and always will be) free.

But I would still like you to subscribe. Paid subscriptions help me take time off my day job to compile and write the Digest. It also allows me to chase more noble pursuits like my project to bring food security and sustainability to the townships around Johannesburg.

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com. It’s easy, free, and definitely won’t get me referral perks (unlike the Digest!), so you know I’m not just shamelessly plugging it (also unlike the Digest).

Subscribe to Dovi's Digest

A collection of random articles I've recently read and thought you'd like (plus some added bonuses!)